Karun Chandhok says he is hoping to secure a Friday test role with Team Lotus for the 2011 season, in the hope it would lead to a full-time drive in the near future.
The Indian made his debut in 2010 with the Hispania outfit before they opted to replace him with Sakon Yamamoto due to sponsorship issues.
The 27-year-old has desperately been trying to secure a race seat for the upcoming season. With all but three seats confirmed, a test role looks like his best bet to remain in the paddock.
“I like the idea of building an Asian team with Asian drivers, mechanics, engineers, PR and marketing people,” he told the PTI news agency. “Tony Fernandes is trying hard and that’s what he has done with his Air Asia [airline] as well.”
Chandhok admitted a contract hadn’t been signed and there were plenty of other drivers vying for the same position now that Fairuz Fauzy has moved to Renault.
“I want to be involved in the medium term for two to three years. It would allow me to build the partnership, to grow together. Stability is what I am looking for. I will get to learn even if I drive on just Fridays.
“Nothing is final until you have a contract in your hands. It will take about two-three weeks to know. They are maybe talking to 20 more guys other than me.”