Force India has added a pink ribbon to its VJM10, after signing a multi-year partnership with Breast Cancer Care, which raises awareness of the disease.
The charity is this year celebrating the 25th anniversary of its pink ribbon, the global symbol of breast cancer.
The ribbon will complement Force India’s pink livery, revised this year after it struck an agreement with BWT, and the ribbon will be unveiled in the pit lane in Monaco on Wednesday evening.
“Our cars turning pink created a lot of positive buzz and it’s a pleasure to be able to harness this feeling to raise awareness for such an important cause and charity,” said Force India chief Vijay Mallya.
“We are proud to be working with Breast Cancer Care to bring their work into the spotlight and take advantage of Formula One’s global reach to improve the lives of everyone affected, directly and indirectly, by breast cancer.”
“Today we are announcing an exciting new partnership with Sahara Force India – and we couldn’t be more delighted.,” commented Andy Harris, Director of Fundraising and Marketing at the charity.
“Together our goal is to reach more people affected by breast cancer faster. Force India is committed to working with Breast Cancer Care to help achieve our ambition of doubling the number of men and women we support by 2020.
“We want to make sure everyone affected by this life-threatening disease gets the care and support they need to help them through one of the most difficult challenges they could ever face.”