Force India co-owner Vijay Mallya has been arrested in the United Kingdom by Scotland Yard and faces potential extradition to India, in order to face charges of fraud.
India handed over a formal extradition request to the United Kingdom, where Mallya has been residing, in February, relating to the demise of Kingfisher Airlines.
“Officers from the Metropolitan Police's Extradition Unit have this morning, Tuesday 18 April arrested a man on an extraction warrant,” read a statement issued by the Metropolitan Police.
“Vijay Mallya, 61 (18/12/1955), was arrested on behalf of the Indian authorities in relation to accusations of fraud.
“He was arrested after attending a central London police station, and will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court later today, 18 April.”
Mallya acquired Spyker in 2007 and rebranded it as Force India the following year, since when it has emerged as a midfield outfit, currently occupying fourth in the standings.