David Coulthard reckons the Red Bull incident in Turkey isn’t all bad.
A collision between team-mates who hold first and second is often thought of as the biggest no-no in the sport. However, that’s exactly what happened to Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel, the latter retiring with extensive damage.
Coulthard, though, reckons the incident has a silver-lining from a marketing perspective, which is of course the reason Red Bull compete in F1.
The team has dominated the F1 headlines this past week, firstly the incident itself, then the blame game and finally a meeting between the two drivers to clear-the-air.
“From the marketing side, it was excellent. The whole world is now writing about Red Bull as a result,” the ex-Red Bull driver told Kleine Zeitung.
The Scotsman refused to lay blame on one particular driver, despite taking Webber’s side immediately after the race.
“Telling a driver that he should slow down is like a child with an ice cream and forbidding him to lick it. Everyone wants to assert their interests. This is rarely good.”